
中文:艾莉西亚·凯斯-并不意味着什么用于梦想成为百万富翁的较量,没有照顾但如果我看到我的梦想,而你不是因为这是结束的时候,那就是不公平的,亲爱的是一个穷女人宁愿 ...,2010年2月22日—AliciaKeys-Doesn'tMeanAnything(中英歌詞)Usedtodreamboutbeingamillionaire,withoutacare曾經毫不猶豫的夢想成為百萬富翁,,Doesn'tMeanAnything-歌詞-Usedtodreamofbeingamillionaire,withoutacarebutifI'mseeingmydreamsandyouaren'tther...

alicia keyes

中文: 艾莉西亚·凯斯-并不意味着什么用于梦想成为百万富翁的较量,没有照顾但如果我看到我的梦想,而你不是因为这是结束的时候,那就是不公平的,亲爱的是一个穷女人宁愿 ...

Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything @ 愛上白色 彡

2010年2月22日 — Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything (中英歌詞) Used to dream bout being a millionaire, without a care 曾經毫不猶豫的夢想成為百萬富翁

Doesn't Mean Anything

Doesn't Mean Anything-歌詞-Used to dream of being a millionaire, without a care but if I'm seeing my dreams and you aren't there cause its ove.

Doesn't Mean Anything 歌詞Alicia Keys ※ ...

Doesn't Mean Anything (沒有任何意義) Used to dream of being a millionaire, without a care But if i'm seeing my dreams and you aren't there cause its over ...

Doesn't Mean Anything 歌词, 中文歌词

Doesn't Mean Anything ; Used to dream about being a millionaire. 过去常常梦想成为百万富翁 ; Without a care. 无忧无虑 ; But if I'm seeing my dreams and you aren't ...

Doesn't Mean Anything 歌词翻译成中文是?

Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything Used to dream of being a millionaire, without a care But if i'm seeing my dreams and you aren't there cause its over ...


sorry doesn't mean anything 喔!你的甜蜜已傷了我的心 到現在發現你的甜蜜是那麼遙遠的距離 喔!你的眼睛已刺痛我的心 到現在你說對不起對不起sorry doesn't mean ...


sorry doesn't mean anything music... 喔!你的甜蜜打動了我的心 雖然人家說甜蜜甜蜜 只是膚淺的東西 喔!你的眼睛是閃爍的星星 是那麼樣的shining shining 吸引我 ...